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NAIDOC Week Celebrations in Gascoyne

By 12/07/2021October 22nd, 2021No Comments

Carnarvon has celebrated  the  NAIDOC  week  (  5-10 July 2021)

The  Celebration was  started with opening  Ceremony March  at the Gwoonwardu Mia  Cultural  Centre

This  was  followed  with the Question  and Answer Discussions with  8 local panels and Real Futures regional  Manager Sean Challis was one of the selected panels.

Real Futures Activity Supervisors Samantha and Vynka facilitated and assisted the arts and crafts. The children had so much fun with the creative crafts.

Kids having fun with arts and crafts

Poster created by the kids

Face painting

For the sporting event the Carnarvon Dart team had their tournament for NAIDOC,  which everyone had made a  special shirt. It was good to see our aspirants get together and build stronger relationships.

Carnarvon Dart Team

The Carnarvon Dart Team in action

On Wednesday local services including  Real Futures partook and assisted the Family Fun Day, and was pleased that  everything  went well and  everyone  had  great  fun. (Photos  were taken  early so not many people at the event, however this changed later in the day and there many people on the day)

Real  Futures  team helped  with the cooking of the barbeque, and facilitating the arts and craft activity.

Tree planting at Gwoonwardu Mia Cultural Centre with the  5  Language groups in Gascoyne Region.


The trees planted represent the five language groups at the centre Yingarrda( Carnarvon) Baiyungu( Coral Bay) Thudagarri ( Upper Gascoyne  Junction) Malgana (Shark  Bay and Thalanyji (Exmouth)




Thanks to all that attended on the day.




Thanks to all that attended on the day.

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