We are very pleased to report that at the end of September 2021, the UN Women’s 2nd Chance Hub had the following key outcomes:
• 317 women registered as of the end of September 2021.
• A total of 190 women have participated in some form of training.
• 68 women had engaged in some form tertiary training. Of those 35 women had completed their course, while a further 33 are currently in attendance of some form of tertiary training. In addition, a further 122 women had participated in some form of non-tertiary training over the same period, with 104 completing their non-tertiary training and another 18 currently attending some form of non-tertiary training (Note some women may have attended more than one course).
• 52 in employment – A total of 52 women had commenced employment at the hub by end September 2021, the highest proportions (12% respectively) of which were working for Government organisations or in the employment services industry. A further 10% respectively were employed in the aged care sector with Australian Unity or health sector. Another 8% respectively were employment in Construction in various roles or Retail sales, followed by 6% respectively in Community Services. Smaller proportions across a range of sectors. Most of these roles were full-time positions (65%).
The Hub is organising more training for our members. Some of the training that has been scheduled are Introduction to Community Services, Disability Support Foundations Skillset, Introduction to Healthcare Skillset and Practical Computing Skillset. Many of these courses started in early November 2021.
Over the last quarter the Hub has continued to develop their online learning (E-Syllabus) content. The formats differ depending on the type of training. Some are videos, PowerPoint, training over Teams/Zoom and Facebook Live training.
The training consisted of Video Interviews for our Directory of Services including interviews with: Gary Harris, Many Rivers (Introduction and Business Plan); Sandra Golden, TAFE NSW; Sydney Region Aboriginal Flyer Corporation; and Legal Aid, WDO program.
There were also various Tutorials on the following: How to Make Damper; Tuna Mornay Pasta Bake; Cupcake Making; Shaving Cream Play; Slime; Hair Dye; How to do your Tax: Creating a USI; How to Complete your Census; Accessing the Aboriginal Funeral Transport Program; Accessing the Covid Isolation Payment; Self Care PowerPoint; and How to Use Zoom.
The Women’s Business Hub is very pleased to report even during the pandemic that members have had successful employment outcomes.

Tara is very happy working at IAG Limited as an Indigenous Claims Consultant.
Tara is a proud Wail-Wan Woman who moved to Western Sydney at a young age. She is a young mum to 3 boys and cares for her sister. Tara approached Real Futures in June and was worried that her minimal experience would be a barrier to finding work. Our VTEC Supervisor referred her to IPA Recruitment, and she had an interview with IAG Limited. Tara successfully secured a role as an Indigenous Claims Consultant and is really loving her role.
Tonnya is a young Wiradjuri woman who approached the Women’s Business Hub with hopes of getting a job. The Hub helped Tonnya secure her driver’s license and recently Tonnya has been employed by Core Star. The Real Futures Women’s Hub helped Tonnya with transport, uniforms, and support while she settles into her new role.