On the 8th of November Real Futures aspirants, Carnarvon Community College Students and Burringarrah Community School Students, completed the Certificate III in Civil Construction Course in
conjunction with Training Alliance Group.
After eleven continuous weeks of study in class and out in the field. The student’s determination, commitment and perseverance has paid off. The successful students are now skilled, qualified and boost and job ready for employment in civil and mobile plant operations which the Gascoyne Region has a lot to offer from Local to Regional Areas with Mining Industry, WA Main Roads or local Shire road maintenance Entry Level.
The course started with 22 enrolled students, however due to some unforeseen circumstances, legal commitments and activities as voluntary, numbers of students dropped leaving fourteen students to complete the course.
Real Futures is working closely with Carnarvon Community College and Burringarrah Community School to support their students who wish to gain skills, experience and to ensure that they are equipped with skills and qualifications to engage forthwith in paid employment as soon they graduate from School.

Kenneth is the pride of Burringarrah. He is the first student from the community that participated and completed the course. Kenneth receives support, mentorship and guidance of the school principal and Real Futures team.
All participants engaging in this training have found support to address barriers, such as: financial, Students that have court or legal fines were able to settle through the Work Development Permit Scheme. LLN and Unemployment Barriers – This also boosts JS personal, interpersonal and transferable skills that are beneficial in the real work environment.

Learning practical skills during the Certificate III in Civil Construction in Plant Operations at Burringarrah
During the course there were delightful, inspiring, motivational and sad events that students have gone through such as the sudden death of one of their classmates in the course, which it has emotionally impacted the class for that period.

All participants with their certificates. Also in the photo are Real Futures and Training Alliance Group.