Read our latest good new story about our WB2C aspirant Stacey Gibbs!
Every month the Women’s Business 2nd Chance team calls all our aspirants to conduct wellbeing checks. We also provide them an update of what courses or employment opportunities are available. This call is a chance for us to check where the aspirant is with their support plan and ensure they are on track to meeting their goals.
Stacey Gibbs is a single mother with three boys and was pregnant her first little girl, a dream and gift she has always longed for. Due to health concerns, Stacey had to give up work and reached out to the Hub for some assistance with obtaining essentials for her baby that was due that month. Our team quickly acted upon this request and reached out to Dandelion Support Network to see what they could assist with.
As you can see from the photo below, Stacey was so overwhelmed as the team loaded up her car with all her new baby essentials. She was provided with a car seat, bassinet, two baby bags, nappies, clothes, warm blankets and much more.
Stacey was also enrolled in the Diploma of Counselling course at the Hub. The team made sure she was sent all the recordings for the classes she missed whilst attending her pre-natal appointments.