On the 30.07.2024 Real Futures Geraldton Transition to Work aspirants Brooke, Thane, William, Tammy, Chris and Noah completed their Certificate III in Civil Construction and Plant Operations
It has been a joy to watch this group complete their training and to say we’ve been impressed is an understatement! Real Futures TtW Team congratulated the group and attended a graduation Bbq held at the Suncity Centre where the group have trained for the last 12 weeks.
The group attended 12-weeks of training at the Suncity Christian Centre and the activities and jobs they participated in included:
- Plan and Organise Work
- Communicate in the workplace
- Read and interpret plans and job specifications
- Operating small plant equipment
- Conduct Civil construction skid steer loader operations
- Conduct Civil construction excavator operations
- Conduct Civil construction wheeled front end loader operations
- Conduct Roller Operations
- Maintain and Monitor site quality standards
A massive thank you to Training Alliance Lecture Robert Taylor who trained the group and supported them throughout the 12-weeks.
The Geraldton Transition to Work Team are feeling proud and we’re looking forward to supporting our graduated aspirants in their careers in construction
We’d like to give a huge thank you to Irene from our team. She’s supported this group, driving them to and from their training and done all the lunch deliveries. Brittney has also been a great help supporting Irene with this program.
Transition to Work Program
Transition to Work is a program that helps young people aged 15-24 into employment, apprenticeships, training or education.
All of our TtW Aspirants receive tailored pre-employment support to develop practical skills to get into the workforce, enrol education or training, find local job opportunities, and connect with local community services.
Real Futures delivers Transition to Work in Geraldton and you can find out more about the program here find out more about the program here