In May and early June 2021, Real Futures conducted a survey to around 1,300 Vocational Training and Employment Centre (VTEC) participants to understand how satisfied they were with our service delivery and what we can do to improve. The results have a 95% confidence level with 9% margin of error, and clearly show how satisfied our aspirants are with our support and services provided.
John McNamara, CEO of Real Futures, said: “We are delighted with these results, which confirm what we always suspected – that our people, our ongoing commitment to support Indigenous people, and our connections really provide the best opportunities for our aspirants. It is the face-to-face knowledge, cultural understanding and support that we provide that makes the difference.”
Whilst he also acknowledges that there is always more work to be done, John said: “People have told us that we are known in the community, that we communicate well and that we have exceeded their expectations. In further support of the services we deliver and our capabilities, they want Real Futures to open more locations.”
Some aspirants chose to add comments to the survey, with one saying: ‘Tiffany… provides all above and beyond and has exceeded all my expectations. Her support has given my life back to me.’