Real Futures in conjunction with Training Alliance is currently delivering a Cert III in Civil Construction Plant Operations. The Aim of the course is to support aspirants to obtain skills, knowledge and qualifications. This also promotes and develop social skills, intellectual skills, and other competencies that are beneficial to future employment opportunities.
The course commenced on 15th of August with 17 students attending on the first day. The course is not merely for Real Futures aspirants as we had 6 students from Carnarvon Community College year 11 and 1 student From Burringarrah Community state school attend.
The course is aimed to support and equip students with the skills to prepare them for their chosen career in the future. We are hoping that this will allow students for better employment opportunities once they finish their school studies.
Through the course we have supported aspirants addressing their identified challenges, from LLN, financial, medical, unemployment and other barriers.
The lecturer is working closely and hand in hand with the Real Futures team to deliver the program successfully.
PPS Officer discussed with the students that by engaging in this course with Real Futures they can help to pay off their fines if they are facing Hardship, pay off legal fines through work development permit schemes and help with any other financial barriers.
On the training course we also addressed a medical barrier of one of the aspirants. The student has difficulty with his hearing, and this had an impact on completing the course safely. We referred the student to AMS and took him to his appointment to checked and has since been referred to a hearing specialist.