Mele’ Ana and Kevi Talamai are the only two girls outside Perth and Geraldton that were selected for the WA State Netball Squad. These two sisters are local girls raised by their single mother.
When Real Futures was approached by NGALA about helping them get enough money for their registration and accommodation for the one-week championship games in Perth, we did not hesitate in providing them with a new bike to raffle off to raise funds. They needed around $500.00 each and their family had no way to pay this.
With the push bike Real Futures donated they where able to raise $700.00 from raffles, with other donations from the shooing stars association, the darts association and from the community they have raised enough for their transport, accommodation, and registration for this competition.
It is so good to see two local girls represent Carnarvon in the national finals. We at Real futures wish them all the best on their journey and are proud to be of assistance within the community helping community members to achieve their goals and dreams.