Tameeka Lee Morris has been a long time aspirant with the Hub joining us in March 2021. She is a proud Dunghutti form Kempsey and has been a busy mother raising her beautiful six children for most of her adult life.
Tameeka joined the hub as she wanted to up-skill herself to work in the Community Services field in the new future.
Since becoming a member at Women’s Business 2nd Chance Hub, she has since completed a Certificate III in Health Administration, Certificate III in Business Administration and is currently in the process of completing her Certificate III in Community Services.
Tameeka has expressed her gratitude towards the hub with how grateful she has been for the mentoring and support she has been provided. There was a recent post on our social media to celebrate her achievements to date, through this post Tameeka advised that she was offered a range of employment opportunities due to people in community recognising her achievements.
On the 13th of September 2022, Tameeka’s WB2C Community Services Certificate lll class organised and held an event at the Sydney Hub. Part of this course was for the class to set up a community event that they would be marked on throughout the day to show their capability of being able to set-up and host events in community. The theme the class decided to take on was “Celebrating Our Indigenous Culture and Rights – United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People”.
The class thought this was a very important event to bring awareness to help educate community on this declaration.
Tameeka played a very important role at this event by ensuring all the market stalls were set up and the food preparation was organised. This event turned out to be a great success.
Tameeka has also attended the hub for wellbeing support through attending our wellbeing workshops and yarning circles which she has left feeling very encouraged.