Women’s Business 2nd Chance Program Manager Oneeva Tu’uhetoka and Lead Reach Out Officer Nakoa Pitt had the honour of travelling to New York to attend the 68th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68) with the UN Women Australia delegation in March.
As well as representing Real Futures and Women’s Business 2nd Chance on the world stage, they also had the opportunity to network with inspirational people, make valuable connections for future projects and develop personally and professionally.
Oneeva Takes the Stage at the UN Women Australia’s Panel Discussion
Alongside the Hon Katy Gallagher, Minster for Finance and Minister for Women, Guomundur Ingi Guobrandsson, Minister of Social Affairs and the Labour Market of Iceland and Nadine flora Gasman Zylbermann, President of the National Women’s Institute, Mexico, Oneeva spoke on a panel titled ‘Gender Equality as a Core Economic Imperative: How Government Structures, Processes, and Evidence can Shift the Dial on Gender Equality’.
Oneeva shared the story of Women’s Business 2nd Chance, the unique challenges faced by First Nations women in Australia and how the WB2C program supports women in a culturally safe and individualised way.
She also discussed the importance of targeted funding and programs for Indigenous women and why engaging First Nations people in policy making is essential for successful outcomes.
Oneeva emphasised the importance of targeted funding for our program, and how Women’s Business 2nd Chance have used data to improve, empower and influence the way we service our First Nation sisters.
Oneeva shared:
”“We are proud to contribute to the conversation and to be part of the solution.”
Attending Impactful CSW68 Sessions and Australian Delegation Events
Alongside their contribution to the panel event, Oneeva and Nakoa were also able to attend thought-provoking CSW68 side events and Australian Delegation Receptions.
UN Australia Welcome Reception Dinner
The week began with a CSW68 Australian Delegation Reception Dinner at the building of the Permanent Mission of Australia to the United Nations.
The Reception was hosted by Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher and Mr James Larsen, Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Australia to the United Nations.
This was an opportunity for everyone in the Australian delegation to meet, network and discuss the exciting week ahead!
The Equity 2030 Alliance Session
This session asked the question; “How can we accelerate actions to normalize gender equity in science and technology by introducing data-driven arguments and strategies?”
The Alliance believe that it is joint actions that will lead to an inclusive, sustainable and gender-equitable future, where women and girl’s voices are heard, their needs are met, and their potential is fulfilled.
Panel Discussion: Making Public Finance Work for Gender Equality
This panel focused on financing gender equality in the context of development and democracy. This requires specific and focused attention to allocating budgetary resources for the education, healthcare, training and entrepreneurial development that is necessary to improve the lives of girls and women, and to promote the overall economic growth.
Unlocking Potential – A Gender Inclusive Private Sector Framework for the Pacific
This panel discussed the Gender-Inclusive Private Sector (GIPS) framework and how it was designed to measure and improve gender inclusivity in the private sector in the Pacific.
Women on the Move at JP Morgan
Oneeva and Nakoa were honoured to accompany Simone Clarke, CEO UN Women Australia, and Georgina Williams, Chair of UN Women WA, to meet with Samantha Saperstein who is the Managing Director and Head of Women on the Move program at JP Morgan.
They were able to speak on the Women’s Business program, share our success to date and provide a brief on the funding needed to ensure the sustainability of our work.
UN Women Australia Special Second Chance Education Event
If all those events weren’t enough, Nakoa and Oneeva were also invited to attend the UN Women’s Second Chance Education Event at Copinette Italian Restaurant in New York City, present on Women’s Business 2nd Chance, and network with many powerful, change-making women!
We are extremely proud of Oneeva and Nakoa for representing Real Futures and WB2C on the world stage and grateful for our partnership with UN Women Australia.
We know the ladies are feeling inspired and energised to enable change for the First Nations women who enter our Hubs!