We are still on a high from our Dubbo Employment Connection Day last week!
It was a full house in the Western Plains Cultural Centre, with local Indigenous women attending to meet with employers and learn more about Women’s Business 2nd Chance.
Our team is now working with the participants that attended to follow up on potential job opportunities and support them with applications and interviews.
Brooke and Shanieka had a privilege of attending the WINS Community Centre’s interagency meeting, where they got to share an overview of Women’s Business and the Employment Connection Day with WINS Community Centre, Wellington Police Aboriginal Liaison Officer, Uniting, Wellington Uniting Church and Marathon Health.
Alongside these events, Brooke and Shaneika also meet with local organisations doing wonderful work for the people of Dubbo and Wellington.
- WINS Community Centre
- Joblink Plus
- Aruma
- Sureway Employment & Training
- TAFE NSW Wellington
- REDE.I – Regional Enterprise Development Institute Ltd
- Dubbo Women’s Refuge
- BEST Employment Ltd
Return to Work Pathways
Our Dubbo Employment Connection Day is part of our wider Return to Work Pathways program.
Funded by the NSW Government, the aim of the Return to Work Pathways Program is to support women who are experiencing complex and persistent barriers to employment to enter or re-enter the workforce, by helping them to gain increased work readiness and to secure sustainable employment.
We deliver Return to Work in Western Sydney, Newcastle, Dubbo, and Wellington.