In preparation for the upcoming Solar Eclipse event, Baiyungu Aboriginal Corporation reached out Real Futures to support them in the construction and repair of the Cardabia Station. This will be used as a campground for tourists when they visit the Shire for the big event.
Through Supported Employment and The Remote Jobs Trial Training Programme, our Aspirants are undertaking the Certificate II in Construction training. This training will ensure they have the skills they need to complete the work at Cardabia Station.
We have 6 Aspirants enrolled who attend the training 3 days a week, for the next 12 weeks.
Real Futures are working together with the Regional TAFE Carnarvon Campus to upskill these aspirants and help them apply their learning to a real workplace.
During their first sessions, the students already gained numbers of skills that are necessary and beneficial for the the field, including work health and safety protocols and procedures.
We’re looking forward to seeing the guys put their news skills into action for Cardabia Station and celebrate the solar eclipse with the community!