Art and Crafts with the Community Restorative Centre
In January, Women’s Business 2nd Chance welcomed the Community Restorative Centre (CRC) to their Rooty Hill Hub to host the very first Art and Crafts Session.
The ladies got creative and made their own beautiful beaded jewellery.
The Community Restorative Centre primarily provides a range of services to people involved in the criminal justice system. Women’s Business is helping connect them to local women who have experienced the justice system and would like support to build a better life for themselves and their families.
Centerlink also attended the workshop to have a check-in session with the participants.
Our very own Aspirant, Zoey Hookey joined to present on the Centrelink Traineeship Program which she is currently employed through. Zoey has been a deadly success in our Return to Work Pathways Program and we’re so proud of how far she’s come!
It was such an awesome time and all the ladies are looking forward to doing more at the Hub this year.
Introducing Garna’s Creations
Shirley Dixon is a a proud Wangkumarra woman and Aboriginal Artist living in Mount Druitt.
Shirley’s business is called Garna’s Creations and her work includes art and jewellery. She is one of our shining entrepreneurs from our WB2C Rooty Hill Hub.
We are thrilled to share that Shirley is now selling jewellery at Emerton Amcal+ Pharmacy in Mt Druitt!
If you live in Western Sydney, make sure you check out her range and buy something special for yourself or a loved one.
Shirley has been a long-term aspirant of our Hub and completed the entrepreneur courses we facilitate. She has also been part of many of our workshops and our team is so proud to see her growing success!