Jamba Nyinayari, the Solar Eclipse event on Baiyungu Country, Coral Bay, was an incredible success! Over 500 people attended and enjoyed the live music, traditional dancing, storytelling, delicious food and Eclipse…
The work at Cardabia Station is rapidly progressing and so are the skills of our guys on the ground! Our Real Futures Activity Supervisor William Bell has been sending…
The Real Futures Transition to Work team attended the Aboriginal Justice Open Day on November 11th 2022. Our aim was to seek assistance for our aspirants and we had a…
At the end of 2022, we had a group of young men doing the Certificate III in Civil Construction, with most of them Juvenile Justice Referrals. They have now completed…
The Certificate III in Civil Construction students were happy that they had a break from their classroom and were eager to undertake their practical assessment out on the field. All…